International Women’s Day : Shubhangi Karmakar

About Shubhangi:

I’m a 22-year-old Postgraduate Medical Researcher and Medical Student in Trinity. I’m also a freelance contributor to Irish Tatler and IMAGE Publications, and an internationally profiled and collected philanthropic goldsmith and fine artist.

In my spare time, I ran the New York Times-featured philanthropic brand Repealist to raise 10,000€ in 2017/18, for various feminist, LGBTQ+, disability-related, or poverty/homelessness-related causes, making clothing, accessories, and jewellery from recycled materials like wood and acrylics, as well as ethically sourced silver and gold.

Currently, I run a support and platforming network for diverse creatives via, to offer career opportunities and experience, as well as mentorship to bring diverse creatives into a higher profile alongside me, and I endeavour to bring diverse platforming into my own writing for lifestyle magazines.


Why Shubhangi was nominated:

Shubh is a young activist who as well as inspiring and campaigning for others and who also has struggled for her own position and visibility.

She has created her own platform from scratch while being excluded from many existing ones, then has invited others from underrepresented groups to come join her and use her contacts and platform to punch up.


How Shubhangi feels:

Being nominated is incredibly humbling as a testament to the goodwill that people have shown me, as a first generation migrant to Ireland who took it upon themselves to shape Irish culture in a stark manner with Repeal, and now endeavours to do so bit by bit with promoting progressive diversity initiatives in Irish media that act by narrative integration into collective consciousness, not segregation.

I can only hope to maintain my direct actions in this manner, and help lift up Irish voices from all walks of life, not just behind me but beside me.

Connect with Shubhangi:

